20 mei Webinar Local Repair Ecosystems on the Rise – 25th June 14h CET
This webinar is the online version of one of the sessions we prepared for the REPAIR is THE FUTURE conference, which was postponed due to Corona. It explores several ways to collect data about repair activities and about the repairability of products.
The dream of a vibrant repair movement is more alive than ever. Several organisations across Europe are developing their own local ‘repair ecosystem’. They build networks of citizen initiatives, businesses, schools and governments, to boost repair in their city or region. During this webinar, they will talk about their dreams and goals, their successes and challenges ahead. The participants are invited to ask questions and participate in the debate.
Markus Piringer – Umweltberatung (AT)
Erik Béatse – Maakbaar Leuven (BE)
David Dessers – City of Leuven, Deputy mayor for Mobility, Climate and Sustainability, Agriculture and Consumption (BE)
Moderator: Jan Mertens – Federal Council for Sustainable Development (BE)
Host: Inez Louwagie – Repair&Share
Practical information
The webinar will be held on Thursday the 25th of June 2020, 14:00 > 15:30 CET
Language: English
Please register using this form
Organised by Netwerk Bewust Verbruiken and Repair&Share
With support from Circular Flanders, the Flemish Government and the European Union as part of the Interreg North-West Europe project SHAREPAIR
Webinar speaker bios
The Repair Network Vienna (AT), founded in 1999, aims at preventing waste and promoting a sustainable use of resources by prolonging the lifespan of products, facilitating the search for high quality repair services in Vienna, preserving jobs and know how in the repair-sector in Vienna. The network holds at about eighty member companies in and around Vienna, specialised in high quality repair services. The member companies have to meet defined criteria to ensure quality standards in repair services. The network members carry out more than 76.000 repairs per year, which corresponds to about 1.280 tons of waste prevented every year.
The Repair Network Vienna is a project of Die Umweltberatung Wien and is supported by the City of Vienna. Markus Piringer is the manager of the repair network Vienna, active in the environmental movement since 1995.
Maakbaar Leuven is a platform of over 40 organisations that support a citizen-driven repair economy in the Leuven city-region. It is based on bottom-up citizen actions such as Repair Cafés and its mission is to share knowledge, expertise, and tools for repair, and to develop the Leuven repair eco-system. Erik Béatse is engaged as a freelancer in Maakbaar Leuven. He deals with the challenge to set up collaborations with different organisations, companies and knowledge institutions and with the challenge to develop new business models according to the mission and vision of Maakbaar Leuven.
The City of Leuven (BE) has an urban strategy to speed up the transition to a circular city by focusing on 5 priority areas, one of which is ‘reuse, share and repair’. David Dessers is deputy mayor for mobility, climate and sustainability, agriculture and consumption of the City of Leuven.
Jan Mertens is a staff member of the Belgian Federal Council for Sustainable Development. In Leuven he is the coordinator of the “Platform Leuven Circulair”. This platform brings together the city administration, the University of Leuven, network Maakbaar, Leuven 2030 and Leuven Mindgate. The platform guides the implementation of the recently adopted Leuven circular city strategy.
Repair&Share (BE) aims to improve the quality, repairability and lifespan of products. The organisation gives oxygen to projects, citizens initiatives and companies that contribute to the lifetime extension and the sharing of products. Inez Louwagie is coordinator for Repair&Share. More information: info ( at ) repairshare.be